
At Energy and Plasma Technologies, we are committed to ensuring that our website is accessible to the greatest number of users and we are continually working to improve it. 

For this purpose, the development of the website has been based on compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (WCAG 2.1) established by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium).


Compliance Statement

This website is partially compliant with Royal Decree 1112/2018, of September 7, due to the non-compliance of certain aspects mentioned below, and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1. 


Non-Accessible Content

The content listed below is not accessible due to the following: 

 Non-Compliance with RD 1112/2018:

  • The reCAPTCHA in the contact form offers an accessible audio option but is only available in English, which may make it difficult for some users to use. This is not in compliance with criteria (Non-text content).
  • The hero banner has an animation that does not allow the user to pause, stop or hide the content, not complying with criterion (Pause, stop, hide).
  • There are some texts that may have a contrast ratio d less than 4.5:1, not complying with criteria (Minimum Contrast).
  • There is a possibility that the user cannot access certain pages in multiple ways, not complying with criteria (Multiple ways).
  • There may be some interface components that are highlighted by the user agent when they receive the focus, not complying with criteria (Visible focus).

Disproportionate burden: 

  • Not applicable


The content does not fall within the scope of the applicable legislation:

  • Not applicable


Elaboration of this Accessibility Statement

This statement was created on 08/26/2024.

The method used to make the statement has been a self-assessment carried out by the web provider. 

Last revision of the statement: 08/26/2024.


Comments and Contact Information

We work hard to ensure that our site is as accessible as possible but we understand that there may be adjustments to be made. We are constantly working to improve and achieve the highest level of accessibility. 


For this reason, you can make communications about accessibility requirements (article 10.2.a) of RD 1112/2018) such as: 

  • Report any possible non-compliance by this website.
  • Transmit other difficulties in accessing the content.
  • Formulate any other query or suggestion for improvement relating to the accessibility of the website. 

You may do so by sending an e-mail to or by calling 655.84.95.33.

Communications, complaints and requests for accessible information will be received and dealt with within twenty working days.


Application procedure

If, after a request for accessible information or complaint has been made, the request has been rejected, the person concerned does not agree with the decision taken, or the response does not meet the requirements, the person concerned may initiate a complaint. 

A complaint may be initiated in the event that the period of twenty working days has elapsed without a response. 


Optional content

Navigation with screen reader 

With the screen reader, the website can be navigated smoothly, facilitating interaction. This may include clear descriptions for icons and buttons, helpful instructions and use of labels to complete forms, and alternative text for images.

The most common screen readers are: 

  • On Windows: JAWS or NVDA. JAWS is usually activated with Insert + J, and NVDA with Ctrl + Alt + N.
  • On Mac: VoiceOver. Usually activated by pressing Command + F5 or Command + Fn + F5 on some keyboards.

Keyboard navigation

Many users may prefer keyboard navigation and that is why we strive to make our website keyboard navigable. They will be able to move between items using the Tab key to move forward, Shift+Tab to move backward, open and close menus with the arrow keys, Enter or spacebar to select options.


Additional settings

To enhance your experience on our website, we offer some additional tips and tools that you can use to adjust the presentation of content to suit your needs.

  • Using browser zoom: Browser zoom is a useful tool to improve the readability of on-screen content. By zooming in, you can enlarge the size of text, images and other elements. You can adjust the zoom level in most browsers by pressing Ctrl and + (or Cmd and + on Mac) to zoom in, and Ctrl and – (or Cmd and – on Mac) to zoom out. This option allows you to customize the display of our site without loss of content and functionality.

  • Use of extensions: As an example, in Chrome it is possible to install the extension “Text Spacing Editor” which allows you to adjust to your preference the following properties: line height, letter spacing, inter-word and inter-paragraph spacing, helping people with low vision or dyslexia to see larger spacing. Another extension for Chrome is “Keyboard shortcuts” which allows you to set custom keyboard shortcuts.

  • High contrast mode and other visual adjustments: Depending on the operating system you are using, you can activate the high contrast mode or adjust other visual aspects to improve the visibility of the elements on the screen. On Windows, you can activate high contrast by pressing Alt + Shift + Print Screen. On Mac, you can adjust the grayscale or invert colors from the System Preferences, in the Accessibility section.

  • Accessibility settings in the browser: Many browsers have accessibility options that allow you to customize the experience. Chrome provides this through accessibility settings where you can adjust text size, enable an integrated screen reader and modify cursor behavior. Firefox provides settings to change text size and enable high-contrast themes.

  • Custom keyboard shortcuts: Many browsers and operating systems allow the creation of custom keyboard shortcuts to facilitate access to specific functions. This can be useful to speed up navigation.

  • Dictation and speech recognition tools: For users who need to use voice commands to navigate the site, it will be helpful to use dictation and speech recognition tools built into your operating system. Windows offers a dictation and voice control feature that is usually activated from Settings > Accessibility > Dictation. Mac has voice dictation which can usually be activated from System Preferences > Keyboard > Dictation.

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